1. Synworld Technology is leading-tech company in semiconductor equipment manufacturing in Shanghai. 星纳电子科技是一家高科技发展公司,从事半导体精密测试设备的开发、研制和生产。
2. University of Electronic Science and Technology of Embedded Application Development Video Guide! 电子科技大学的嵌入式应用系统开发视频教程!来自互联网
3. Pu-electronic technology, lit world of beautiful, open the future driving force! 飞普电子科技,点亮世界的绚丽,开启未来动力!来自互联网
4. Being a Minister in Graduate Association of SCIE, Organizing the recreational and sports activities. 任电子科技大学、通信与信息工程学院研究生会文体部部长,组织各种文体活动。来自互联网
5. VID is consist of two large departments, power supply department and tester department. 威望迪电子科技公司下辖电源和试验仪器两大事业部。来自互联网